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Beach, Car Repairs, & a LASIK Giveaway ($4990 value!!!)

LASIK giveaway, beach, and lemons posing as vans.  Yep, this is what I’ve been up to the last few weeks! We spent the last week at the beach – on vacation.  It was a much-needed getaway for all of us.  First, we visited hubs’ parents for a few days.  It was golf carts and dips in the pool galore!  Luckily, Florida’s weather faired better -um- dryer than Georgia’s did!

 Golf Carts RULE


Then, we all hopped in the car, and headed to the beach for a few days. This was each of my children’s second time at the beach.  But really first time for my son, who just slept in the tent on the beach last year.  (Oh, the life of an infant.)  They each had an absolute BLAST!  From my son toddling after seagulls (“birdie WAIT!”), to my daughter’s ever-growing seashell collection, to just digging my toes in the sand (even for just a fleeting moment, before bouncing off to chase an active and curious toddler), to just -getting away.  We were LONG overdue, and made the most of absolutely every moment!  (Did I mention how free I felt, sans glasses and contacts??)


Unfortuantely, we have also been experiencing some less-than-pleasant issues with our lemon of a van.  Boo.  Let’s just say, I’ve spent more time and money with Honda than I ever care to do again!

I digress.  Now for the REAL news: a LASIK giveaway!

Y’all may know by now Thomas Eye Group recently helped me ditch my glasses when I had LASIK.  Now you can have a chance to experience the freedom I’ve felt these last few weeks.  They’ve launched a “Summer LASIK Giveaway” contest. Facebook users desiring a LASIK procedure are asked to submit an essay explaining why you or a loved one deserves LASIK. The essay with the most votes as of 12:00 p.m. on August 1 wins a free LASIK procedure valued at $4,990.

 LASIK giveaway

To be eligible to win, participants are asked to “like” the Thomas Eye Group Facebook page, fill out the entry form, and draft an essay of up to 500 words. The Grand Prize Winner, based on Facebook votes, will be announced on August 2. All entrants in the contest will receive a gift certificate good for $600 off LASIK – so it’s truly a win-win for everyone!


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