We successfully tackled potty training about a year and a half ago, so when my daughter started preschool last year, her teacher taught the class a song to help with proper hand washing. To the tune of Row, Row, Row Your Boat:
Wash, wash, wash your hands,
Wash them very clean.
Wash the fronts and wash the backs,
and even in-between. Yeah!*
*My daughter and I added the enthusiastic “yeah!”
We would repeat a few times while she washed, and it served as a good way for her to remember to do a complete, proper hand wash.
So, here I find myself teaching my child to brush her teeth through song – along the same -ahem- note, we adapted the song to brushing teeth:
Brush, brush, brush your teeth,
Brush them very clean.
Brush the tops and brush the bottoms,
and even brush your tongue!
Do you have any clever songs you use with your kids? What ways do you help your kids learn and maintain good hygiene habits?
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