All children, young and old, love the idea of hunting for treasure. This week’s sensory bin plays on that fascination using colorful fake coins and necklaces. The inspiration for this bin comes from a pirate party game by The Fickle Pickle, and the original post can be found here . Buried Treasure Sensory Bin Supplies needed: Rice (uncooked, of course) Play necklaces Colorful pirate coins Suction cup hooks (optional) Tongs (optional) Plastic bin Tub for sorting Fill the bin about halfway with rice, then add in your necklaces and coins. That is, if you can get your thrilled-to-death daughter off of the bag of rice. I chose to have the girls use tongs instead of their hands to dig around for treasure, as a way to work on their fine motor skills. Using their hands works just as well. 🙂 You can give them an additional bin or box at this point to put their found treasures in, or you can take it a step further and use the suction cup hooks for hanging necklaces. I just stuck them ...
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