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REWARD YOUR KIDS' HARD WORK: Good Report Card Freebies List!

With summer peeking around the corner, it's almost time again to share those good report cards!  With those good grades comes great rewards, aside of course, from the vast knowledge acquired represented by said good grades.  Here is a current list of FREE rewards for kids who bring home good report cards!  Consider using them as incentives to motivate your kids to finish the year odd strong!

(Teachers, feel free to share this with your coworkers, students, and parents!)

I HIGHLY suggest calling ahead to be sure that your area business is participating in these promotions!!  And if you know of other freebies not mentioned here, please comment on the blog (here), on the Facebook page, or Tweet them to me.  :o)

Many thanks to Saving Dollars and Sense for compiling such an extensive list!

  • Chuck E. Cheese –  receive FREE tokens for good grades.
  • Krispy Kreme - Get a free donut for each A (up to 6 A’s).
  • Baskin-Robbins - Get a free scoop of ice cream for good grades on your report card!
  • Chick-fil-A – Bring in your all A’s and B’s report card and receive a FREE 8 pack nuggets! Call ahead to your location to see if they are participating
  • Pizza Hut – Each marking period, any child who has 3 A’s or the equivalent thereof, will receive one Personal Pan Pizza and a small soft drink or carton of milk by presenting his or her report card to the manager. This offer is good for Elementary and Middle School students. Dine-in only. Student must be present and the original report card must be presented. Available at participating locations.
  • Sbarro Pizza – Sbarro restaurants across the United States are giving elementary schoolers a delicious reason to get good grades… any student with A’s and B’s on his or her report card automatically becomes one of our PizzAchievers! Sbarro will then provide every PizzAchiever and an accompanying adult with a free slice of cheese or peperoni pizza and a small soda!
  • McDonalds – If your child has a straight “A” report card, he/she can receive a FREE Happy Meal. This may vary by location so call ahead first!
  • Topps – Getting good grades in school is always a priority. Now there’s an extra reward for studying hard. The Topps of the Class program has been created to give you a great trading card gift when you put your mind to work. Every time you bring in a report card to this store, the manager will award you with a gift. 
  • Limited Too – Report cards may be taken in to any Limited Too retail store within 30 days of issuance and receive $5 off their purchase that day. This may vary by store so call ahead.
  • Blockbuster - Get a free family friendly movie rental for A’s on your report card!
If you know of any more offers that should be added to the list please leave a comment and I’ll add it to the list for everyone to see!
Thanks again, Saving Dollars and Sense for sharing this list!

Keep on saving!  :o)
**This post may contain affiliate links.**


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