Since joining The Club seven months ago, I have learned quite a few things that I simply could not learn through my vast experience with children nor through my veracious readings. And, test, there are still plenty of things no one told me about motherhood:
- Every day for the last seven plus months, I have sung. And I can’t even carry a tune. The things we do for our children.
- Desitin Creamy rocks! (… people still say “rocks”?)
- My inner-chef is emerging. Not a great chef, but my desire to create balanced, more nutritious meals is in overdrive. No longer will Lean Pockets, sandwiches, or my then staple Sloppy Jo Casserole suffice. I am on a mission now to pack veggies and other goodies in to as much of our meals as possible. Which leads me directly to my next point:
- My husband is such a trooper. Although an extremely picky eater, he has graciously sampled all of my culinary creations. Further, he continues to be an amazing husband and father. God bless him!
- Being a SAHM can become rather hum drum. However, I still wouldn’t trade it for the world. I know I’m extremely blessed to have the opportunity to not work, and watch our little Peanut grow every day.
- No one told me that I would experience some form of Carpel-Tunnel Syndrome in my left hand. It’s some strange combination of holding her on my hip, and having a hard noggin rest there while nursing, cutting of circulation (Boppy or no Boppy!).
- I knew I would love being a mom. I just didn’t know how easily it would come to me. I have always been very motherly, and had rather strong motherly instincts. But, honestly, the transition to motherhood was seamless for me. I feel like I know what I’m doing, and am learning to trust my instincts, my experience, and my knowledge of my little girl to guide me.
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