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Showing posts from November, 2015

Advice for My 6-year-old Daughter, For the Teen Years and Beyond

For some reason, today I felt just a little extra whimsical while watching my daughter.  Like many mothers, I’m sure, I catch glimpses of her older self throughout the course of the day, and today -for a fleeting split second- I saw my little girl all grown up.  I’ve already shared my wishlist for her , but here is my collective little nuggets of advice for my daughter. Advice for My 6-year-old Daughter, for the Teen Years and Beyond   Don’t be a mean girl.  Ever.  But don’t be mean back to the mean girls – how else will they learn kindness if it’s not extended to them? Love yourself , on the inside and the outside.  Treat your body with respect now, and it will thank you in kind as you get older.  Learn now how to take care of your whole self. Be kind but firm.