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Showing posts from October, 2011

AFM: Frugal Fun Fact Friday 10-28-11

AFM: Frugal Fun Fact Friday   10-28-11 Did you know... can send your expired coupons to military families overseas?  They are able to use coupons up to six months after they've expired.  Further, did you know there are a multitude of bloggers devoted to shipping YOUR expired coupons overseas? Since the end of the month is nigh, now is a great time to clear out your expired coupons.  Check out some of my favorites, including   Mommy Coupon Swappers , Couponing 4 the Military , and Living on a Boot Band Budget (sucessfully!)  to learn more about this great way to pass on the savings!   Keep on saving!  :o) --Barbara

AFM: Frugal Fun Fact Friday 10/21/11

AFM: Frugal Fun Fact Friday   10-21-11 Did you know... ...stores MAKE MONEY when you use a manufactures coupon.  If you read the fine print on a manufacture's coupon, you'll see that a store will not only be reimbursed the cost of the coupon, but will usually get an additional 8 cents per coupon for shipping and handling.  (The store pays for the "doubled" portion of a coupon, should they choose to double.)  So, go out and make your store some money, while you SAVE money in the process!  ;o) P.S.  This only works when coupons are used ethically .   Keep on saving!  :o) --Barbara

What I Love About this Town...

I feel truly blessed to live in a town where my daughter can spot geese at the pool, at the mall, and -well- just about any where.  Yes, they're mean little boogers up close, but from a distance, they are a creature of awe. She also gets a glimpse of deer in our backyard from time to time, and in many surprising spots.  There are horses down the street in a private backyard, as well as "in town" in Dunwoody.  Finally, we've spotted about a dozen ducks recently at our dear ol' Dagwoods.  After all, what's better to watch whilst eating one's pizza? Yes, we live in a heavily populated, concrete-laden pocket of Atlanta; but we are still privy to select reminders that nature is still all around us, without having to take a drive out to "the country." What signs of nature do YOU see near you?  :o) Happy Wednesday, y'all! Keep on saving!  :o) --Barbara

A bargain I just couldn't pass up!!

Perhaps by now, it's well-known that my three favorite "C" words are Carol (daughter's name), Coupons (duh), and CLEARANCE (double-duh)!   Coupled with my strange obsession with boxes and various storage containers, this deal at my local Kroger immediately coaxed me over. I snagged 10 storage boxes (shoe box size) for a TOTAL of $2.50!! What will I do with all of these boxes?  I don't know yet, but for a quarter a piece, I simply couldn't resist indulging in my OCD-driven obsession with all things organization.  :o) READERS RESPOND : What sort of items do YOU find irresistible when the price is right?