Because I've been asked quite a few times lately where one can purchase pages for their coupon binders, I thought I'd compile a list of places you can get them, both online and in-store. Let me first clarify, I've found two types of pages that work well in coupon binders: baseball card holders (9-slots) and picture album pages (3x5 and 4x6 work best). There are companies, however, that have done the leg work for you, and offer various sizes/slots for your choosing. :o) Coupon Magic Organizer - CMO offers a complete system for starting a coupon binder, but also allows you to buy the individual pages in bundles, ranging from 3-slots to 9-slots. CMO also exclusively carries double-sided 3-slot and 9-slot pages! Prices start at $8.99 for 20 pages.
The Coupon Clutch - Yeah, you've heard me talk about this one plenty of times! In addition to getting the CUTEST coupon binder/fashion accessory around, you can also order the page inserts here ...
Turning Frugality in to an Art Form, One Coupon at a Time!