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Showing posts from September, 2010

The Futility of (Me) Being Fashionable

Anyone who’s known me for any length of time will easily testify to my simple, comfortable clothing style .  And I use the term “style” rather loosely.  I have never been a fashion queen , and was well in to my late teens before I even realized that fashions came in seasons.  In fact, until recent enlightenment, I thought Jimmy Choos was some kind of trendy restaurant …

The Futility of (Me) Being Fashionable

Anyone who's known me for any length of time will easily testify to my simple, comfortable clothing style .  And I use the term "style" rather loosely.  I have never been a fashion queen , and was well in to my late teens before I even realized that fashions came in seasons.  In fact, until recent enlightenment, I thought Jimmy Choos was some kind of trendy restaurant ...

Are You Using Too Much Laundry Detergent???

A trick I’ve learned after doing laundry for almost twenty years?  (I know, I know, I started doing laundry when I was, like, five…  tee hee) Never go by how much the manufacture label tells you to use!  Think about it: they WANT you to use large amounts, so that you go through it faster, so you have to run out and buy more of their product.  SO, are YOU using too much laundry detergent???

Are You Using Too Much Laundry Detergent???

A trick I've learned after doing laundry for almost twenty years?  (I know, I know, I started doing laundry when I was, like, five...  tee hee)

Frozen Dinner Trays Re-purposed

For the love of all that's good and green, here are some crafty ways to re-purpose those frozen dinner trays, instead of tossing them straight in to the recycling bin.  (Heaven forbid they go in the regular trash!)  Just keep in mind they should NOT go through the microwave any more, and should be hand-washed or dishwasher top rack.   :o)