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After Potty Training: "Going" on the Go (Folding, padded potty seat PR)

The folding, padded potty seat
As you may recall, I just recently finished a successful (and short) stint potty training my two-year old daughter back at the end of May.  She took to the task like a pro, which gave me the confidence *I* needed to take her out and about, and know we could minimize accidents.  However, my biggest hang-up had long been the dreaded public restroom.

Need I say more?  A curious toddler's small hands simply can't contain themselves in a new environment, and -well- the nastiness that you likely conjured up at the mere words "public restroom" are enough to send one sprinting for a can of Lysol, right?

The bulky "on the go"
potty seat -- BOO!
Furthermore, any mother will attest to the amount of STUFF one must lug around, even with a potty-trained child: your own purse, a (former) diaper bag, and miscellaneous other bags, depending on the occasion and the circumstances.   For me, shopping entailed the addition of my bag full of reusable shopping bags AND my coupon binder bag.  Oh, plus one highly-active and surprisingly fast red-headed toddler.  Need I say my hands were already quite full?

So, to add ANOTHER bag to the mix seems rather silly.  However, when potty training commenced, we had only the regular (unfoldable) potty seat (see pic to your left), which I kept in a reusable shopping bag, along with a pack of sanitizing wipes.  To say this was a bit much is an understatement!  

But not bringing a potty seat was NOT an option.  We'd tried that ONCE on an early post-PT outing, and her tiny little boopah simply proved too small for the grown-up potty seat, even with me holding her hands for balance and support; therefore, she couldn't get comfortable enough to go.  :o(

Enter: the FOLDABLE, padded potty seat!  I'd had my eye on this for a while, and had been unable to find anything comparable in the stores.  (The closest I'd found was a foldable, NON-padded plastic potty seat; but all the reviews I'd read suggested they were flimsy and a waste of money.)  By chance I saw it being featured one day on My Precious Kid's Facebook page, and decided it was time.  The more I saw it, the  more I was convinced this folding, padded potty seat was precisely the answer to my daughter's potty prayers!  

When it arrived, I first marveled at the small size of the entire shipping package!  Upon opening it, I simply couldn't contain my excitement -- I eagerly opened it up, and showed my daughter her "new potty seat!"  We hadn't anywhere to go that evening, but I insisted we go out.  Out we went, with our "new potty seat" in tow, which fit rather neatly in her (former) diaper bag.  (Big plus, right there!!)   Did I mention it comes with a washable bag?  It also holds a travel-size pack of wipes, too.  

Lo and behold, we hadn't been at Tar-Zshay for more than a few minutes, when my daughter uttered those famous words "I go potty."  

For the first time EVER, I eagerly dashed to the public restrooms -skipping almost- as I told my daughter how we were going to get to try out her new potty seat.  My excitement was contagious!  From the first time we used it, it has been a gem -- it folds easily, it sets up easily, and with a row of toilet paper or a toilet seat cover between the "new potty seat" and the regular one, it offers this germ-a-phobe significant peace of mind!  And to be able to pack it all away in a tiny bag, which fits nicely in her (former) diaper bag is just icing on the potty-training cake!

We've had it for a little over a month, and I dare not leave home without it!  It certainly fits in just about every toilet we've used, save for the old rickety one at the Atlanta Zoo, but that's a whole 'nother ball of wax...  We had but one "accident" with the new potty seat, where I think I simply didn't have it fitted properly inside the toilet seat.  No big deal though, since I was squatting right next to my daughter -- she actually just giggled about getting her boopah a little wet.  

Her enthusiasm for the seat is still in tact, too.  Many times when we merely walk in to the public restrooms, she'll grin and excitedly declare "new!  potty!  seat!" -- as I breath a sigh of relief knowing my daughter has the comfort she needs to "go" on the go, while I have the peace of mind knowing that we CAN take extended excursions and she'll be accommodated, just about anywhere we go.

My personal thanks to Kay Green, of My Precious Kid, for providing me with the opportunity to review this awesome product; as well as for her sage words of wisdom, with all things related to child safety and potty training!  (As well as my sincerest apologies for not posting this review ina much more timely manner!)  

The foldable potty seat is available here, for only $11.99, plus shipping.  Use the promo code 2SEPTEN for an 10% off!  (Also, you can enjoy free shipping for orders over $100, by entering promo code FREESHIP100.) While you're there, check out the entire website, for a vast array of products devoted to child safety and wellness! 

Next up in the series, I'll discuss items I highly recommend for potty training, as well as items that aren't essential, but can make life a whole lot easier.  If you have any items to suggest for this, feel free to contact me.  :o)

Keep on saving!  :o)
**This post may contain affiliate links. This means that if you click/purchase/sign up for this offer, I may receive a small amount of compensation for it.**


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